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Make Your Own Cards for Any Occasion


There’s always something to celebrate throughout the year, whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or wedding. Create your own cards so that no matter what the occasion is, you’ll leave a lasting impression! Forget cookie cutter sentiments. Your friends and family will feel extra special when they see the time and care you took to make your own photo cards featuring meaningful memories you’ve shared together. Customised cards are the kind you want to hold onto and look back on later! They can also double as keepsakes for the events you want to remember most, from milestone party invitations to Save the Date cards. Say it with style and start creating your cards today!

How to Design Your Own Card


From flat to folded, we have the perfect card for every sentiment! Choose from hundreds of designs for holidays, special occasions, or just because. Personalise your card on either matt or glossy cardstock with the help of our easy-to-use card builder. Find a trim you like, adjust any colour options available, and upload your own photos. Have fun testing out different fonts and embellishments. And don’t forget to add your own personal message! With Snapfish, you can customise as much or as little as you like. Either way, your personalised card is sure to deliver all the feels!

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